Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Sunday of Anticipation

I normally don't work on Sundays unless it's during our plant sales. However, I put in 30 minutes of time at 12:30 am this morning when the Janesville police called to say that our alarm had gone off at the Horticulture Center. They needed someone to let them in to check the place out. I was out the door 5 minutes later and I'm sure looked quite disheveled when I arrived to meet the two squads that were waiting for me. It was an errant alarm so no big deal until I was on the way home and saw red and blue lights in my rear view mirror. Of course I freaked out but it only turned out to be one of the officers I had just met and he mentioned there were some lights still on at the horticulture center. I said they were motion activated and would go out. Needless to say, the heart rate was accelerated as I hadn't been "pulled over" in 20 years (for forgetting to put my lights on at night in case you're curious!).

This statue is in our reception garden and depicts a female druid. She is cradling a small pine tree. This is one tough woman. She looks good after 100 years and has a long history in Janesville. She originally stood on top of the House of Mercy (nunnery) in Janesville which was the precursor to the Mercy Health System that has spread throughout Southern WI and Northern IL. She is on permanent loan from the Rock County Historical Society and was refurbished before being put in place in 1992. Unfortunately, she has been vandalized over 5 times; being pushed over many times and once was struck with bricks. Ron Sutterlin (Sutterlin Restorations) in Janesville has refurbished her twice now and she looks great. In a couple months, she'll be surrounded by white and blue flowers and is an important part of Rotary Gardens and Janesville. Best wishes for her "continued health"! The summer teaser below is a shot from last year of a moth (not a bee) on a 'Merlin Blue Morn' petunia. We like visitors of all sorts at Rotary Gardens.

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