Monday, April 7, 2008

Lots of Progress Today

Chillier temperatures today than over the weekend but all in all, pretty good working weather. We did a lot of sod removal today. Marv and Terry put up more obelisks and the blue pvc pipes seen here. These will be "modern planters" after this bed fills out. The blue theme is still prevalent in this area. Marianne and Janice did lots of clean-up and we had a lot of our veteran volunteers help with other duties. One volunteer commented on me actually being outside and working with them (sod removal). I took it in stride and realize that my job duties have shifted to more deskwork and less fresh air. I do miss being outside more often but understand that the desk work is equally as important. Our great grounds crew and dedicated volunteers do a wonderful job regardless of my helping hands!

It's nice to see more in bloom today. The vernal witchhazels (Hamamelis vernalis) are in full bloom and I'm seeing more bulbs preparing to bloom. Interesting to note that our first perennials are starting to bloom. We have hellebores and Adonis blooming right now with more to follow in quick succession. I lost track of what the bulb (shown here) actually is. It looks like striped squill (Puschkinia libanotica) but those are barely starting to open. I think it's a Ornithogalum but will have to check our records. It is truely a struggle to keep up with what we have planted and of course, where is it located?

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