Sunday, April 27, 2008

Enjoy It While It Lasts!

A nice day despite cooler temperatures. Spring will again show this week that the influence of winter is still here despite the recently nice weather. Highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. Ugh! This image shows the 3' of green on our 8' arborvitaes. The original intent of this hedge was enclosure and definition of the sunken garden. Bambi(s) really nibbled away up to 5' or so as the snow levels extended their reach. Not much we can do about it except hope that these arborvitae will regenerate and fill out again (while also relying on more protection on our part; repellants, fences, etc.). However, it's tough not to get discouraged when you see this damage daily.

The bleeding hearts (Dicentra sp.) have emerged very quickly. Cool temps will slow them down this week but look for them to bloom by the first week in May. We enjoy this perennial immensely and love the white variety 'Alba' as much as any. Your decision as the foliage yellows in July is whether or not to cut it down as it goes dormant. We cut some do
wn to make room for neighboring perennials that are filling out but will leave some with their dormant golden/yellow foliage for interest. Try the variety 'Goldheart' for a beautiful golden leaved variety that looks good thru the entire growing season and has a nice, deep yellow coloration.

We have more bagged compost coming tomorrow, plants from Nebraska (Bluebird Nursery) on Tuesday that will have to be protected inside and a big perennial division work day this Saturday. A busy week interspersed with less than desirable weather. This is WI of course so we'll cope! Summer teaser below.

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